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We used to have the smartest, hardest working and most patriotic workers on the planet

That is what made America the world's superpower after WW2

Our education system has failed to teach these basic principles for the past couple of decades

Now we are being surpassed by countries like China who have been teaching their kids to be smart, hard-working and patriotic from the time they start school

We need to reverse this trend now before America gets bypassed as the world's superpower

It is time for the People and our Government to Lead the Charge.

We can Work with the Federal Government to Show them Where the Funds are that can be Used to fix Workforce Development for our National Security and Global Leadership

We can help the federal government allocate the right resources and educational platforms that will guarantee results for both the short and long term.

There is an easy way to reallocate funds that are currently being wasted to deliver a scalable and engaging solution that puts America clearly in the lead.

This is where America's School comes in.

America’s School works with the federal government to deliver the learning and skills that need to happen across the country that will ensure our national security and ability to win future wars. We complement traditional public and private schools as a “bolt-on” supplement that delivers academic, social, and healthy deliverables to schools while maintaining their autonomy.

It is powered by Heroic Game Day, which has been in the making for the past decade, basically using technology (game-based learning, data-driven intelligence, and blockchain) to connect, engage, and deliver world-leading academic, social, and health results that will retain America’s leadership position in the world. This is an extremely scalable education system that can educate one child with the same effectiveness as it can with a million. We know if a student spends 30 mins per day in the game, they will not only become proficient in the Top 20 critical life skills, but they will also become proficient at their math and reading state tests.

It complements the traditional education system and integrates where necessary. It doesn’t require classroom or teacher time and works on the standard device for education, the Chromebook. Everyone wins – the student, the family, the community and the country.

The America’s Chips industry partnerships drive what the kids need to learn, the Industry leaders become the “mentors” to the students who are allowed to stand on the shoulders of the greatest generation of scientists and innovators the world has ever known. This becomes a real integration of the real world and the kids digital world – a great warmup act for the world they are going to live in.

This is a model of what we’re able to do in all industries that require the best workforce in the world.

How do we Prepare a Workforce to meet the Chip and Tech worker Demand that will lead the world?

1. How do we get the attention of Kids? We use Technology.
2. From the time they come into this world they are attracted to technology.
3. We need to harness this attraction and help that upcoming generation use technology for good.
4. By introducing a 1st grader to the computer chip that is and will continue to power their world, we get their immediate attention.
5. We are using technology to teach them about math, reading, science and all the life-skills they need to be successful in life – this creates relevance.
6. As they learn all these skills, by using technology, we instill in them a hope in the future and their role in shaping that future. They are now motivated to put in the work to succeed.
7. Starting in elementary school, we now have a massive wave of kids who are excited and motivated to learn the critical life-skills of success.
8. This enthusiasm to work to succeed, and help America maintain its #1 position in the world, permeates into all demographics, including parents, middle and high school and college students, the media, government and private industry – this is America’s Moonshot.

This not only helps fix the nations education problem, but it also delivers a catalyst that creates the message and urgency in the general population, and a massive wave of skilled and motivated kids to create and use the technology required to keep our nation safe and leading the world in the new industrial and AI revolution.


We Make the Public Aware and Supportive of the Resources and Will Required to Win

There will be a massive PR campaign launched in each of these areas. The message will be that this is our modern day “Moonshot” moment and we all need to throw our hat in the ring to help win this war.

The Public Relation channels:

  • Trade publications
  • General interest publications
  • Federal and state government contacts
  • Industry partners
  • Grandparents and parents
  • School marketing
  • Press events
  • Social media
  • High profile people

Powered by the World Leading Kid-Driven, Game-based skills learning platform

Heroic Game Day delivers scalability, engagement, and data that allow us to guarantee learning outcomes.

We are the only ed-tech platform that can do all of this at a fraction of the cost of whole education systems that do a lot less with their funds.


Dr Tom ReedAmerica’s Educator. Teacher, principal, superintendent, high school basketball coach, and state education executive – It’s only about the kids and how we can prepare them to be the smartest, hardest working, and most patriotic workers that will lead the world. As the official Commissioner of the Heroic Game Day platform, he delivers what the kids, schools, parents, and communities need out of their education system – and does it in a platform that is scalable, engaging, and guarantees results.

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